Give your website content a health check

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When your website content fails to do your business justice, it’s damaging your prospects.

In a nutshell, your website should be an active marketing tool AND represent your brand clearly for your target audience.

If it isn’t doing either of these things or doing them well, you need to give your website content a health check.

That nagging pain you’re feeling…

Something’s not quite right about your website.

Sure, it might seem okay on the surface. It may also rank reasonably in online searches. But it’s failing to convert visitors into prospects.

Or maybe it no longer represents what you do and how you work.

Perhaps your business has moved on, or you’ve been putting so much effort into other marketing activities you’ve neglected your website.

You know you should be doing something about it, but you’re not sure what.

Your website is like a shop window display, but you mustn’t disappoint visitors once they enter the store.

Attracting them is one thing, keeping them there is another.

  • How does your website compare to your competitors’ sites?
  • Is your content sufficiently different?
  • Does it make your brand sound distinctive?

How to fix your web content

You can’t improve your website content without first knowing what to fix.

My website content health check will:

  • REVIEW your current site content in detail
  • COMPARE your web content with competitor sites
  • REPORT and explain these findings to you clearly
  • RECOMMEND actions to improve your web content.

Your website has the potential to win you more work and raise awareness of your brand – but only if it has impactful, persuasive and actionable content.

What's included in your website content health check?

  • Initial video call to discuss your website content
  • Full website content review
  • Detailed report, including tone of voice recommendations,  competitor website analysis and action plan
  • Follow-up video call to discuss your report and action plan.

Transform your web content and save money at the same time

website health check special offer

The world is full of websites that look good but fail to deliver – don’t let yours be one of them.

Sign up for my website content health check to get 20% off my web content writing services.

It’s straightforward:

  • I’ll give you a roadmap to improve your website content’s health and performance
  • Based on these recommendations, if you want me to, I’ll write fresh content
  • I won’t offer to rewrite your web content where it doesn’t require fixing – I’m not out to charge you for work you don’t need.

Total cost: £300.00

SPECIAL OFFER: 20% off website copywriting

After you receive your report and recommendations, if you commission me to write fresh website content for you, you’ll get 20% off my standard copywriting rate.

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