Conversion copywriting offers

Lead magnets • Landing pages • Sales pages • Outreach

Conversion Point conversion copywriting offers

Why is your content failing to support your business growth?

Harsh truth #1: If your content isn’t converting, it isn’t working.

Describing your business and what you offer and hoping your audience will do the rest won’t win you the customers you crave. You’ve got to convert at every touchpoint – transform your audience’s interest into investigation, exploration into enquiry and curiosity into confirmation.

Conversion is how you guide your customer along their journey, whether it’s a discovery call, downloadable document, newsletter sign-up or a compelling sales page to get them over the line.

Harsh truth #2: Average content won’t cut it.

It’s never been easier or more convenient to create average content, but average won’t help you compete for, win or retain business.

You need conversion copy – powerful content packed with persuasion, primed to push all the right buttons and compel your audience to act.

Straight to the point – conversion copywriting offers

My conversion copywriting offers provide expert and affordable conversion copy customised to meet your sales and marketing goals.

Whether you’re looking for a definitive sales page or an irresistible lead magnet to lure your audience, I’ll supply the conversion copy to make it happen.

Strategic Sales Page

My Strategic Sales Page package gives you long-form content created to land bang on target with your audience and drive them to action.

You get: dedicated sales content, customised for your brand and business, strategically written to convert your website visitors, followers and prospects. 

Conversion Point Strategic Sales Page comprises:

  • In-depth video call to discuss your goals, develop your brief and plan your content
  • Research of your brand, audience and market
  • 1 long-form sales page (up to 2,000 words).

Total cost: £700.

Lead Magnet Launchpad

My Lead Magnet Launchpad gives you commanding long-form content plus supporting material to promote it. 

You get: a dedicated, long-term digital content asset, based on solid and detailed research, shaped to meet your marketing requirements and written to engage and convert your readers. You also get original landing page material and additional outreach promotional copy.

Conversion Point Lead Magnet Launchpad comprises:

  • In-depth video call to discuss your goals, develop your brief and plan your content
  • Detailed research of your content topic and area of interest
  • 1 ebook or whitepaper report (up to 5,000 words)
  • Content for 1 landing page


Choose either of these formats to support your fresh content and landing page:

  • 4 LinkedIn posts


  • 4 marketing emails


  • Mix and match: 2 LinkedIn posts + 2 marketing emails.

Total cost: £1300.